We realize that gaining an understanding of CBD can often be an overload of information. Rest assured, we have all the patience in the world. We provide an easy-going, relaxed approach and take time to answer all the questions you may have. Please call us at 814-502-0849 to get started.
During our phone call, we cover the information you will need to feel confident when purchasing CBD products from us or elsewhere. After our conversation, you will be able to make an educated decision if a CBD program is right for you and what type of products could be most beneficial in meeting your needs.
A few points we may cover during the phone call:
What is Cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids?
Proper dosage per day.
Delivery methods and ways to ingest CBD products.
Bioavailability and absorption rates.
Creating a customized wellness program that meets your needs and ways to avoid paying too much.
How to read the often confusing CBD product labels.
How to spot low grade quality CBD products.
Please call us today at 814-502-0849